FAQ and Help

Welcome to our help and frequently asked questions section

Our website is packed with useful information for heating technicians, consumers living in homes not heated by mains gas, industry professionals and energy policy stakeholders. If you can't find the information you need, we are very happy to help. You can find a link to our contact details on the right. 


Website access issues

Help! How do I login to the website?

Trade association members, registered technicians and the primary contact from a registered business have all been emailed an invite to activate their website account. If you cannot find your email, pleas our registration team 01473 626 298 (UK) or email enquires@oftec.org and we will re-issue.

Please note, only one website account can be created for each email address - if you share email address with a colleague, you will not be able to have your own website account. 

If you have already activated your account, simply click here to login and use the email address and password that you used to activate your account. 

Members of the public need not log into the website.

The OFTEC Direct online shop can only be accessed once you have logged into the website. There are restrictions on who can buy products - registered technicians and businesses can only buy products related to their scope of registration, trade association members/approved training centres can only purchase technical books. 

Once you have logged into the website, you'll see a link to the shop in the technician section or in the green header section. 

Consumer queries

Go to our 'Find a technician' search page and select the search option 'Check whether a business is registered' you can then either search by business name or the OFTEC business registration number (please do not use the C prefix). 

Please note, OFTEC offers registration for several different heating technologies - please ensure you click on the business contact details to check they offer the specific services you require. 

You can search our database for details of heating businesses registered with OFTEC for the work you require. Simply select the type of work you require and enter your postcode, the system will find you all businesses and give you a list by proximity to your postal code. You then click on the business to view their contact details.

Your search results will only show you businesses that are registered with OFTEC for the particular type of work you have selected. If you require several jobs done please make sure you select all the work types you require to ensure the business you choose has technicians trained in all the types of work you need. 

We recommend getting quotes from several businesses before engaging someone to carry out work on your property. 

If you are moving house, the buyer's solicitor will ask for a copy of the works notification certificate for any heating equipment that has been installed in your property. They may also call this a building regulations certificate, or a compliance certificate. Since 2002, in England, Wales, The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands it has been a requirement to notify the local building control department of any new heating equipment - whether it is a fuel storage tank, boiler, solar panel or even a wood burning stove.

If you cannot find your original certificate and the work was carried out by an OFTEC registered business, you can get an email copy certificate here

Technical queries

Technical book updates can be downloaded free from our website by registered businesses, technicians or trade association members.

Check your current books to see when the last updates were downloaded and then check whether there are new updates available. 

You can find basic information about where to site an oil tank, the minimum distances, fire protecting an oil tank and what is a suitable oil tank base in our consumer home guides liquid fuel storage page. However, we always recommend seeking the advice of your local OFTEC registered liquid fuel tank installer - the regulations for oil tank installation vary according to which region of the UK or Ireland you live in and there are also other environmental factors that need to be taken into account. 

To find an oil tank installer, please visit our Find a Technician page. 

Registered technicians will find further information in technical book 3 - Domestic and commercial requirements for oil storage and supply equipment: Serving fixed combustion appliances, 2010 edition. Don't forget to check for any updates in the 'Technical resources' section of this website. 

Installation work carried out since 2002 in England, Wales, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands must be notified to the Local Authority Building Compliance (LABC) department. Competent Persons Schemes were introduced so that heating businesses registered with scheme providers such as OFTEC can self certify the installation work they carry out. This is generally much more straightforward than involving the LABC with the installation work throughout the process. The OFTEC registered installer will self-certify the work on completion and a certificate is sent out to the householder. This certificate is the building compliance certificate, but may also be called a work notification certificate or boiler compliance certificate. 

Registered businesses have been inspected by the scheme provider to ensure they have appropriate training and qualifications to carry out the work in accordance with building regulations and continue to be inspected throughout their registration. 

This is completely separate from the manufacturer's warranty, there may be a requirement to register an appliance with the manufacturer or their appointed supplier to validate a warranty against manufacturing defects. 

You can read more about this on our Why choose an OFTEC registered technician page

Registration queries

OFTEC registered installation businesses can self certify installation work through the OFTEC portal. Simply log into your account and click on the portal link in the Technician's Hub or the link in the green header section of the website.

There is also a guide to works notifications which gives you more information.  

OFTEC does not employ heating technicians directly, you need to work for a heating business that is OFTEC registered. Read our Join OFTEC pages for more information. 

All businesses wishing to register with OFTEC have to submit to an initial audit of business practices and an inspection of the type of work they wish to register for to ensure it meets regional building regulations. 

All businesses then have periodic inspections throughout their registration period with OFTEC to ensure that their work continues to be of a high enough standard. 

Inspections are generally carried out at a customers' property so that work can be inspected. OFTEC has a team of self employed regional inspectors who carry out this work on their behalf - they have all worked in the industry for a number of years so are highly experienced and knowledgeable. 

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