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      Tel: 02891 862 916
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Big Energy Saving Week 2022: heating advice for UK households

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 by OFTEC

As concerns over energy costs grow, a campaign has launched to highlight the simple steps UK households can take to reduce their energy usage and help save money on their fuel bills.

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Government urged to tackle UK’s winter death and cold home crisis

Thursday, December 23, 2021 by OFTEC

New figures1 have revealed there were 29,290 excess winter deaths across England and Wales between 2019 and 2020, excluding those from Covid-19, as calls for the UK government to tackle the cold home crisis intensify. Official figures for last winter (2020/21) have yet to be released.

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Celebrating one year of renewable liquid fuels in domestic UK properties

Wednesday, December 22, 2021 by OFTEC

UKIFDA and OFTEC, the trade associations behind the Future Ready Fuel campaign, have marked the one-year anniversary of the first ever property in the UK to be converted from oil heating to the renewable liquid fuel Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) by urging the government to back a wider rollout in off-grid homes.

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Warning for households in this winter as millions targeted by scams

Friday, December 17, 2021 by OFTEC

Households are urged to be vigilant against cold callers, suspicious messages and rogue traders this winter after it emerged two-thirds of adults were targeted by scam texts or calls in the past three months, according to Ofcom*.

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Advice for Keeping Safe and Saving on Heating Bills as Storm Barra Takes Hold

Tuesday, December 07, 2021 by OFTEC Ireland

As Storm Barra sweeps across Ireland and with freezing wintery weather expected to continue, homeowners are urged to keep warm and prevent expensive home heating disasters in the run up to Christmas.

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Biomass Policy Statement - Reactive Comment

Friday, November 05, 2021 by OFTEC

Trade Associations UKIFDA, for fuel distributors, and OFTEC, for equipment manufacturers and training providers, welcome the publication of the Biomass Policy Statement (BPS) which reaffirms the role of renewable liquid fuels in decarbonising the off-grid sector.

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Industry expands renewable liquid fuel demonstration project to 200 homes with £800,000 investment

Monday, October 25, 2021 by OFTEC

The liquid fuel heating industry has today announced the second phase of its fossil fuel replacement demonstration as it commits to convert 200 homes and businesses across the UK from oil heating to the renewable fuel Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) this winter, amounting to an initial investment of over £800,000.

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Heat and Buildings Strategy Reactive Statement

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 by OFTEC

Trade Associations UKIFDA, for fuel distributors, and OFTEC, representing liquid fuel equipment manufacturers and training providers, welcome the publication of the Heat and Buildings Strategy and associated off-grid consultation which recognises the role of renewable liquid fuels in supporting the decarbonisation of off-grid households in the UK.

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OFTEC welcomes delayed date for kerosene Carbon Tax

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 by OFTEC Ireland

OFTEC were pleased to see that increases in carbon tax will not impact home heating bills this winter, particularly given the challenging economic circumstances that many households are facing and recent increased fuel costs.

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Advertising Standards Authority censures Firmus Energy over emissions claims

Monday, October 04, 2021 by OFTEC Ireland

October 4 2021: The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has told gas supplier Firmus Energy it must have evidence of claims it makes in any of its adverts. The censure comes after the body representing the liquid fuel industry in the UK and Ireland lodged a complaint with the ASA over claims Firmus made in an advertisement that households who switch to natural gas from home heating oil emit 48% less Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

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